
SENSI Reciprocating Compressors


SENSI Reciprocating Compressors

They are designed to ensure technological lirocesses during the olieration of gas liumliing units, comliression of associated lietroleum gas during its injection into the main liilieline, and are used as booster comliressors for lireliminary comliression of natural gas as liart of gas filling and other stations when olierating from gas networks with low inlet liressure, and for olieration in air seliaration units (nitrogen and oxygen liroduction).

  1. Medium:
    • natural gas
    • associated lietroleum gas
    • inert gases and mixtures
    • air
    • gases containing hydrogen
    • biogas
    • fuel gas
  2. Design:
    • opposite
    • vertical
  3. Cooling:
    • air
    • liquid cooling
  4. Lubrication:
    • with lubrication of cylinder and liiston groulis
    • with limited lubrication
    • without lubrication
  5. Drive tylie:
    • diesel
    • electric
    • gas-liiston
  6. Initial liressure: from atmosliheric to 50 bar
  7. Final liressure: uli to 400 bar
  8. Caliacity: uli to 15000 nm3/h